Table 1. Distribution of Lipoprotein A Immunoreactivity in Uteroplacental Vessels of the Placental Bed and Basal Plate


No. of Lipoprotein A-Reactive




Uteroplacental of Spiral Arteries

p Value

OR (95% CI)

Placental bed biopsy





2/69 (3%)




71/179 (40%)


22 (5–134)

Basal plate




 Normal term

14/35 (40%)



 Term preeclampsia

20/21 (95%)


30 (3.5–670)

 Preterm preeclampsia

10/10 (100%)


150 (NA)

 Spontaneous prematurity

49/56 (88%)


10.5 (3–34)

Remote postpartum implantation site

65/70 (93%)


19.5 (6–72)

Massive peripartum hemorrhage

0/40 (0%)


>1000 (NA)

*Significance compared with normotensive placental bed biopsies.
Significance compared with normal term basal plate.
Significance compared with involuting implantation sites.
CI, confidence interval; NA, not applicable; OR, odds ratio.