/* YUI 3.5.1 (build 22) Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('yui-throttle', function(Y) { /** Throttles a call to a method based on the time between calls. This method is attached to the `Y` object and is documented there. var fn = Y.throttle(function() { counter++; }); for (i; i< 35000; i++) { out++; fn(); } @module yui @submodule yui-throttle */ /*! Based on work by Simon Willison: http://gist.github.com/292562 */ /** * Throttles a call to a method based on the time between calls. * @method throttle * @for YUI * @param fn {function} The function call to throttle. * @param ms {int} The number of milliseconds to throttle the method call. * Can set globally with Y.config.throttleTime or by call. Passing a -1 will * disable the throttle. Defaults to 150. * @return {function} Returns a wrapped function that calls fn throttled. * @since 3.1.0 */ Y.throttle = function(fn, ms) { ms = (ms) ? ms : (Y.config.throttleTime || 150); if (ms === -1) { return (function() { fn.apply(null, arguments); }); } var last = Y.Lang.now(); return (function() { var now = Y.Lang.now(); if (now - last > ms) { last = now; fn.apply(null, arguments); } }); }; }, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']}); /* YUI 3.5.1 (build 22) Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('dd-ddm-base', function(Y) { /** * Provides the base Drag Drop Manger required for making a Node draggable. * @module dd * @submodule dd-ddm-base */ /** * Provides the base Drag Drop Manger required for making a Node draggable. * @class DDM * @extends Base * @constructor * @namespace DD */ var DDMBase = function() { DDMBase.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; DDMBase.NAME = 'ddm'; DDMBase.ATTRS = { /** * @attribute dragCursor * @description The cursor to apply when dragging, if shimmed the shim will get the cursor. * @type String */ dragCursor: { value: 'move' }, /** * @attribute clickPixelThresh * @description The number of pixels to move to start a drag operation, default is 3. * @type Number */ clickPixelThresh: { value: 3 }, /** * @attribute clickTimeThresh * @description The number of milliseconds a mousedown has to pass to start a drag operation, default is 1000. * @type Number */ clickTimeThresh: { value: 1000 }, /** * @attribute throttleTime * @description The number of milliseconds to throttle the mousemove event. Default: 150 * @type Number */ throttleTime: { //value: 150 value: -1 }, /** * @attribute dragMode * @description This attribute only works if the dd-drop module is active. It will set the dragMode (point, intersect, strict) of all future Drag instances. * @type String */ dragMode: { value: 'point', setter: function(mode) { this._setDragMode(mode); return mode; } } }; Y.extend(DDMBase, Y.Base, { _createPG: function() {}, /** * @property _active * @description flag set when we activate our first drag, so DDM can start listening for events. * @type {Boolean} */ _active: null, /** * @private * @method _setDragMode * @description Handler for dragMode attribute setter. * @param String/Number The Number value or the String for the DragMode to default all future drag instances to. * @return Number The Mode to be set */ _setDragMode: function(mode) { if (mode === null) { mode = Y.DD.DDM.get('dragMode'); } switch (mode) { case 1: case 'intersect': return 1; case 2: case 'strict': return 2; case 0: case 'point': return 0; } return 0; }, /** * @property CSS_PREFIX * @description The PREFIX to attach to all DD CSS class names * @type {String} */ CSS_PREFIX: Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName('dd'), _activateTargets: function() {}, /** * @private * @property _drags * @description Holder for all registered drag elements. * @type {Array} */ _drags: [], /** * @property activeDrag * @description A reference to the currently active draggable object. * @type {Drag} */ activeDrag: false, /** * @private * @method _regDrag * @description Adds a reference to the drag object to the DDM._drags array, called in the constructor of Drag. * @param {Drag} d The Drag object */ _regDrag: function(d) { if (this.getDrag(d.get('node'))) { return false; } if (!this._active) { this._setupListeners(); } this._drags.push(d); return true; }, /** * @private * @method _unregDrag * @description Remove this drag object from the DDM._drags array. * @param {Drag} d The drag object. */ _unregDrag: function(d) { var tmp = []; Y.each(this._drags, function(n, i) { if (n !== d) { tmp[tmp.length] = n; } }); this._drags = tmp; }, /** * @private * @method _setupListeners * @description Add the document listeners. */ _setupListeners: function() { this._createPG(); this._active = true; var doc = Y.one(Y.config.doc); doc.on('mousemove', Y.throttle(Y.bind(this._move, this), this.get('throttleTime'))); doc.on('mouseup', Y.bind(this._end, this)); }, /** * @private * @method _start * @description Internal method used by Drag to signal the start of a drag operation */ _start: function() { this.fire('ddm:start'); this._startDrag(); }, /** * @private * @method _startDrag * @description Factory method to be overwritten by other DDM's * @param {Number} x The x position of the drag element * @param {Number} y The y position of the drag element * @param {Number} w The width of the drag element * @param {Number} h The height of the drag element */ _startDrag: function() {}, /** * @private * @method _endDrag * @description Factory method to be overwritten by other DDM's */ _endDrag: function() {}, _dropMove: function() {}, /** * @private * @method _end * @description Internal method used by Drag to signal the end of a drag operation */ _end: function() { if (this.activeDrag) { this._endDrag(); this.fire('ddm:end'); this.activeDrag.end.call(this.activeDrag); this.activeDrag = null; } }, /** * @method stopDrag * @description Method will forcefully stop a drag operation. For example calling this from inside an ESC keypress handler will stop this drag. * @return {Self} * @chainable */ stopDrag: function() { if (this.activeDrag) { this._end(); } return this; }, /** * @private * @method _move * @description Internal listener for the mousemove DOM event to pass to the Drag's move method. * @param {Event.Facade} ev The Dom mousemove Event */ _move: function(ev) { if (this.activeDrag) { this.activeDrag._move.call(this.activeDrag, ev); this._dropMove(); } }, /** * //TODO Private, rename??... * @private * @method cssSizestoObject * @description Helper method to use to set the gutter from the attribute setter. * @param {String} gutter CSS style string for gutter: '5 0' (sets top and bottom to 5px, left and right to 0px), '1 2 3 4' (top 1px, right 2px, bottom 3px, left 4px) * @return {Object} The gutter Object Literal. */ cssSizestoObject: function(gutter) { var x = gutter.split(' '); switch (x.length) { case 1: x[1] = x[2] = x[3] = x[0]; break; case 2: x[2] = x[0]; x[3] = x[1]; break; case 3: x[3] = x[1]; break; } return { top : parseInt(x[0],10), right : parseInt(x[1],10), bottom: parseInt(x[2],10), left : parseInt(x[3],10) }; }, /** * @method getDrag * @description Get a valid Drag instance back from a Node or a selector string, false otherwise * @param {String/Object} node The Node instance or Selector string to check for a valid Drag Object * @return {Object} */ getDrag: function(node) { var drag = false, n = Y.one(node); if (n instanceof Y.Node) { Y.each(this._drags, function(v, k) { if (n.compareTo(v.get('node'))) { drag = v; } }); } return drag; }, /** * @method swapPosition * @description Swap the position of 2 nodes based on their CSS positioning. * @param {Node} n1 The first node to swap * @param {Node} n2 The first node to swap * @return {Node} */ swapPosition: function(n1, n2) { n1 = Y.DD.DDM.getNode(n1); n2 = Y.DD.DDM.getNode(n2); var xy1 = n1.getXY(), xy2 = n2.getXY(); n1.setXY(xy2); n2.setXY(xy1); return n1; }, /** * @method getNode * @description Return a node instance from the given node, selector string or Y.Base extended object. * @param {Node/Object/String} n The node to resolve. * @return {Node} */ getNode: function(n) { if (n instanceof Y.Node) { return n; } if (n && n.get) { if (Y.Widget && (n instanceof Y.Widget)) { n = n.get('boundingBox'); } else { n = n.get('node'); } } else { n = Y.one(n); } return n; }, /** * @method swapNode * @description Swap the position of 2 nodes based on their DOM location. * @param {Node} n1 The first node to swap * @param {Node} n2 The first node to swap * @return {Node} */ swapNode: function(n1, n2) { n1 = Y.DD.DDM.getNode(n1); n2 = Y.DD.DDM.getNode(n2); var p = n2.get('parentNode'), s = n2.get('nextSibling'); if (s == n1) { p.insertBefore(n1, n2); } else if (n2 == n1.get('nextSibling')) { p.insertBefore(n2, n1); } else { n1.get('parentNode').replaceChild(n2, n1); p.insertBefore(n1, s); } return n1; } }); Y.namespace('DD'); Y.DD.DDM = new DDMBase(); /** * @event ddm:start * @description Fires from the DDM before all drag events fire. * @type {CustomEvent} */ /** * @event ddm:end * @description Fires from the DDM after the DDM finishes, before the drag end events. * @type {CustomEvent} */ }, '3.5.1' ,{skinnable:false, requires:['node', 'base', 'yui-throttle', 'classnamemanager']}); /* YUI 3.5.1 (build 22) Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('dd-drag', function(Y) { /** * Provides the ability to drag a Node. * @module dd * @submodule dd-drag */ /** * Provides the ability to drag a Node. * @class Drag * @extends Base * @constructor * @namespace DD */ var DDM = Y.DD.DDM, NODE = 'node', DRAGGING = 'dragging', DRAG_NODE = 'dragNode', OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight', OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth', /** * @event drag:mouseup * @description Handles the mouseup DOM event, does nothing internally just fires. * @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ /** * @event drag:mouseDown * @description Handles the mousedown DOM event, checks to see if you have a valid handle then starts the drag timers. * @preventable _defMouseDownFn * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The original mousedown event.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_MOUSE_DOWN = 'drag:mouseDown', /** * @event drag:afterMouseDown * @description Fires after the mousedown event has been cleared. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The original mousedown event.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN = 'drag:afterMouseDown', /** * @event drag:removeHandle * @description Fires after a handle is removed. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The handle that was removed.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_REMOVE_HANDLE = 'drag:removeHandle', /** * @event drag:addHandle * @description Fires after a handle is added. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The handle that was added.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_ADD_HANDLE = 'drag:addHandle', /** * @event drag:removeInvalid * @description Fires after an invalid selector is removed. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The handle that was removed.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_REMOVE_INVALID = 'drag:removeInvalid', /** * @event drag:addInvalid * @description Fires after an invalid selector is added. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The handle that was added.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_ADD_INVALID = 'drag:addInvalid', /** * @event drag:start * @description Fires at the start of a drag operation. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The original node position X.
The original node position Y.
The startTime of the event. getTime on the current Date object.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_START = 'drag:start', /** * @event drag:end * @description Fires at the end of a drag operation. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The current node position X.
The current node position Y.
The startTime of the event, from the start event.
The endTime of the event. getTime on the current Date object.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_END = 'drag:end', /** * @event drag:drag * @description Fires every mousemove during a drag operation. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The current node position X.
The current node position Y.
Should a scroll action occur.
Object hash containing calculated XY arrays: start, xy, delta, offset
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_DRAG = 'drag:drag', /** * @event drag:align * @preventable _defAlignFn * @description Fires when this node is aligned. * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The current node position X.
The current node position Y.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ EV_ALIGN = 'drag:align', /** * @event drag:over * @description Fires when this node is over a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop) * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The drop object at the time of the event.
The drag object at the time of the event.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ /** * @event drag:enter * @description Fires when this node enters a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop) * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The drop object at the time of the event.
The drag object at the time of the event.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ /** * @event drag:exit * @description Fires when this node exits a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop) * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The drop object at the time of the event.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ /** * @event drag:drophit * @description Fires when this node is dropped on a valid Drop Target. (Fired from dd-ddm-drop) * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The best guess on what was dropped on.
The drag object at the time of the event.
An array of all the other drop targets that was dropped on.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ /** * @event drag:dropmiss * @description Fires when this node is dropped on an invalid Drop Target. (Fired from dd-ddm-drop) * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added: *
The current node position X.
The current node position Y.
* @bubbles DDM * @type {CustomEvent} */ Drag = function(o) { this._lazyAddAttrs = false; Drag.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); var valid = DDM._regDrag(this); if (!valid) { Y.error('Failed to register node, already in use: ' + o.node); } }; Drag.NAME = 'drag'; /** * This property defaults to "mousedown", but when drag-gestures is loaded, it is changed to "gesturemovestart" * @static * @property START_EVENT */ Drag.START_EVENT = 'mousedown'; Drag.ATTRS = { /** * @attribute node * @description Y.Node instance to use as the element to initiate a drag operation * @type Node */ node: { setter: function(node) { if (this._canDrag(node)) { return node; } var n = Y.one(node); if (!n) { Y.error('DD.Drag: Invalid Node Given: ' + node); } return n; } }, /** * @attribute dragNode * @description Y.Node instance to use as the draggable element, defaults to node * @type Node */ dragNode: { setter: function(node) { if (this._canDrag(node)) { return node; } var n = Y.one(node); if (!n) { Y.error('DD.Drag: Invalid dragNode Given: ' + node); } return n; } }, /** * @attribute offsetNode * @description Offset the drag element by the difference in cursor position: default true * @type Boolean */ offsetNode: { value: true }, /** * @attribute startCentered * @description Center the dragNode to the mouse position on drag:start: default false * @type Boolean */ startCentered: { value: false }, /** * @attribute clickPixelThresh * @description The number of pixels to move to start a drag operation, default is 3. * @type Number */ clickPixelThresh: { value: DDM.get('clickPixelThresh') }, /** * @attribute clickTimeThresh * @description The number of milliseconds a mousedown has to pass to start a drag operation, default is 1000. * @type Number */ clickTimeThresh: { value: DDM.get('clickTimeThresh') }, /** * @attribute lock * @description Set to lock this drag element so that it can't be dragged: default false. * @type Boolean */ lock: { value: false, setter: function(lock) { if (lock) { this.get(NODE).addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-locked'); } else { this.get(NODE).removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-locked'); } return lock; } }, /** * @attribute data * @description A payload holder to store arbitrary data about this drag object, can be used to store any value. * @type Mixed */ data: { value: false }, /** * @attribute move * @description If this is false, the drag element will not move with the cursor: default true. Can be used to "resize" the element. * @type Boolean */ move: { value: true }, /** * @attribute useShim * @description Use the protective shim on all drag operations: default true. Only works with dd-ddm, not dd-ddm-base. * @type Boolean */ useShim: { value: true }, /** * @attribute activeHandle * @description This config option is set by Drag to inform you of which handle fired the drag event (in the case that there are several handles): default false. * @type Node */ activeHandle: { value: false }, /** * @attribute primaryButtonOnly * @description By default a drag operation will only begin if the mousedown occurred with the primary mouse button. Setting this to false will allow for all mousedown events to trigger a drag. * @type Boolean */ primaryButtonOnly: { value: true }, /** * @attribute dragging * @description This attribute is not meant to be used by the implementor, it is meant to be used as an Event tracker so you can listen for it to change. * @type Boolean */ dragging: { value: false }, parent: { value: false }, /** * @attribute target * @description This attribute only works if the dd-drop module has been loaded. It will make this node a drop target as well as draggable. * @type Boolean */ target: { value: false, setter: function(config) { this._handleTarget(config); return config; } }, /** * @attribute dragMode * @description This attribute only works if the dd-drop module is active. It will set the dragMode (point, intersect, strict) of this Drag instance. * @type String */ dragMode: { value: null, setter: function(mode) { return DDM._setDragMode(mode); } }, /** * @attribute groups * @description Array of groups to add this drag into. * @type Array */ groups: { value: ['default'], getter: function() { if (!this._groups) { this._groups = {}; } var ret = []; Y.each(this._groups, function(v, k) { ret[ret.length] = k; }); return ret; }, setter: function(g) { this._groups = {}; Y.each(g, function(v, k) { this._groups[v] = true; }, this); return g; } }, /** * @attribute handles * @description Array of valid handles to add. Adding something here will set all handles, even if previously added with addHandle * @type Array */ handles: { value: null, setter: function(g) { if (g) { this._handles = {}; Y.each(g, function(v, k) { var key = v; if (v instanceof Y.Node || v instanceof Y.NodeList) { key = v._yuid; } this._handles[key] = v; }, this); } else { this._handles = null; } return g; } }, /** * @deprecated * @attribute bubbles * @description Controls the default bubble parent for this Drag instance. Default: Y.DD.DDM. Set to false to disable bubbling. Use bubbleTargets in config * @type Object */ bubbles: { setter: function(t) { this.addTarget(t); return t; } }, /** * @attribute haltDown * @description Should the mousedown event be halted. Default: true * @type Boolean */ haltDown: { value: true } }; Y.extend(Drag, Y.Base, { /** * Checks the object for the methods needed to drag the object around. * Normally this would be a node instance, but in the case of Graphics, it * may be an SVG node or something similar. * @method _canDrag * @private * @param {Object} n The object to check * @return {Boolean} True or false if the Object contains the methods needed to Drag */ _canDrag: function(n) { if (n && n.setXY && n.getXY && n.test && n.contains) { return true; } return false; }, /** * @private * @property _bubbleTargets * @description The default bubbleTarget for this object. Default: Y.DD.DDM */ _bubbleTargets: Y.DD.DDM, /** * @method addToGroup * @description Add this Drag instance to a group, this should be used for on-the-fly group additions. * @param {String} g The group to add this Drag Instance to. * @return {Self} * @chainable */ addToGroup: function(g) { this._groups[g] = true; DDM._activateTargets(); return this; }, /** * @method removeFromGroup * @description Remove this Drag instance from a group, this should be used for on-the-fly group removals. * @param {String} g The group to remove this Drag Instance from. * @return {Self} * @chainable */ removeFromGroup: function(g) { delete this._groups[g]; DDM._activateTargets(); return this; }, /** * @property target * @description This will be a reference to the Drop instance associated with this drag if the target: true config attribute is set.. * @type {Object} */ target: null, /** * @private * @method _handleTarget * @description Attribute handler for the target config attribute. * @param {Boolean/Object} config The Config */ _handleTarget: function(config) { if (Y.DD.Drop) { if (config === false) { if (this.target) { DDM._unregTarget(this.target); this.target = null; } return false; } else { if (!Y.Lang.isObject(config)) { config = {}; } config.bubbleTargets = ('bubbleTargets' in config) ? config.bubbleTargets : Y.Object.values(this._yuievt.targets); config.node = this.get(NODE); config.groups = config.groups || this.get('groups'); this.target = new Y.DD.Drop(config); } } else { return false; } }, /** * @private * @property _groups * @description Storage Array for the groups this drag belongs to. * @type {Array} */ _groups: null, /** * @private * @method _createEvents * @description This method creates all the events for this Event Target and publishes them so we get Event Bubbling. */ _createEvents: function() { this.publish(EV_MOUSE_DOWN, { defaultFn: this._defMouseDownFn, queuable: false, emitFacade: true, bubbles: true, prefix: 'drag' }); this.publish(EV_ALIGN, { defaultFn: this._defAlignFn, queuable: false, emitFacade: true, bubbles: true, prefix: 'drag' }); this.publish(EV_DRAG, { defaultFn: this._defDragFn, queuable: false, emitFacade: true, bubbles: true, prefix: 'drag' }); this.publish(EV_END, { defaultFn: this._defEndFn, preventedFn: this._prevEndFn, queuable: false, emitFacade: true, bubbles: true, prefix: 'drag' }); var ev = [ EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN, EV_REMOVE_HANDLE, EV_ADD_HANDLE, EV_REMOVE_INVALID, EV_ADD_INVALID, EV_START, 'drag:drophit', 'drag:dropmiss', 'drag:over', 'drag:enter', 'drag:exit' ]; Y.each(ev, function(v, k) { this.publish(v, { type: v, emitFacade: true, bubbles: true, preventable: false, queuable: false, prefix: 'drag' }); }, this); }, /** * @private * @property _ev_md * @description A private reference to the mousedown DOM event * @type {EventFacade} */ _ev_md: null, /** * @private * @property _startTime * @description The getTime of the mousedown event. Not used, just here in case someone wants/needs to use it. * @type Date */ _startTime: null, /** * @private * @property _endTime * @description The getTime of the mouseup event. Not used, just here in case someone wants/needs to use it. * @type Date */ _endTime: null, /** * @private * @property _handles * @description A private hash of the valid drag handles * @type {Object} */ _handles: null, /** * @private * @property _invalids * @description A private hash of the invalid selector strings * @type {Object} */ _invalids: null, /** * @private * @property _invalidsDefault * @description A private hash of the default invalid selector strings: {'textarea': true, 'input': true, 'a': true, 'button': true, 'select': true} * @type {Object} */ _invalidsDefault: {'textarea': true, 'input': true, 'a': true, 'button': true, 'select': true }, /** * @private * @property _dragThreshMet * @description Private flag to see if the drag threshhold was met * @type {Boolean} */ _dragThreshMet: null, /** * @private * @property _fromTimeout * @description Flag to determine if the drag operation came from a timeout * @type {Boolean} */ _fromTimeout: null, /** * @private * @property _clickTimeout * @description Holder for the setTimeout call * @type {Boolean} */ _clickTimeout: null, /** * @property deltaXY * @description The offset of the mouse position to the element's position * @type {Array} */ deltaXY: null, /** * @property startXY * @description The initial mouse position * @type {Array} */ startXY: null, /** * @property nodeXY * @description The initial element position * @type {Array} */ nodeXY: null, /** * @property lastXY * @description The position of the element as it's moving (for offset calculations) * @type {Array} */ lastXY: null, /** * @property actXY * @description The xy that the node will be set to. Changing this will alter the position as it's dragged. * @type {Array} */ actXY: null, /** * @property realXY * @description The real xy position of the node. * @type {Array} */ realXY: null, /** * @property mouseXY * @description The XY coords of the mousemove * @type {Array} */ mouseXY: null, /** * @property region * @description A region object associated with this drag, used for checking regions while dragging. * @type Object */ region: null, /** * @private * @method _handleMouseUp * @description Handler for the mouseup DOM event * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event */ _handleMouseUp: function(ev) { this.fire('drag:mouseup'); this._fixIEMouseUp(); if (DDM.activeDrag) { DDM._end(); } }, /** * @private * @method _fixDragStart * @description The function we use as the ondragstart handler when we start a drag in Internet Explorer. This keeps IE from blowing up on images as drag handles. * @param {Event} e The Event */ _fixDragStart: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, /** * @private * @method _ieSelectFix * @description The function we use as the onselectstart handler when we start a drag in Internet Explorer */ _ieSelectFix: function() { return false; }, /** * @private * @property _ieSelectBack * @description We will hold a copy of the current "onselectstart" method on this property, and reset it after we are done using it. */ _ieSelectBack: null, /** * @private * @method _fixIEMouseDown * @description This method copies the onselectstart listner on the document to the _ieSelectFix property */ _fixIEMouseDown: function(e) { if (Y.UA.ie) { this._ieSelectBack = Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart; Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart = this._ieSelectFix; } }, /** * @private * @method _fixIEMouseUp * @description This method copies the _ieSelectFix property back to the onselectstart listner on the document. */ _fixIEMouseUp: function() { if (Y.UA.ie) { Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart = this._ieSelectBack; } }, /** * @private * @method _handleMouseDownEvent * @description Handler for the mousedown DOM event * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event */ _handleMouseDownEvent: function(ev) { this.fire(EV_MOUSE_DOWN, { ev: ev }); }, /** * @private * @method _defMouseDownFn * @description Handler for the mousedown DOM event * @param {EventFacade} e The Event */ _defMouseDownFn: function(e) { var ev = e.ev; this._dragThreshMet = false; this._ev_md = ev; if (this.get('primaryButtonOnly') && ev.button > 1) { return false; } if (this.validClick(ev)) { this._fixIEMouseDown(ev); if (this.get('haltDown')) { ev.halt(); } else { ev.preventDefault(); } this._setStartPosition([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]); DDM.activeDrag = this; this._clickTimeout = Y.later(this.get('clickTimeThresh'), this, this._timeoutCheck); } this.fire(EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN, { ev: ev }); }, /** * @method validClick * @description Method first checks to see if we have handles, if so it validates the click against the handle. Then if it finds a valid handle, it checks it against the invalid handles list. Returns true if a good handle was used, false otherwise. * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event * @return {Boolean} */ validClick: function(ev) { var r = false, n = false, tar = ev.target, hTest = null, els = null, nlist = null, set = false; if (this._handles) { Y.each(this._handles, function(i, n) { if (i instanceof Y.Node || i instanceof Y.NodeList) { if (!r) { nlist = i; if (nlist instanceof Y.Node) { nlist = new Y.NodeList(i._node); } nlist.each(function(nl) { if (nl.contains(tar)) { r = true; } }); } } else if (Y.Lang.isString(n)) { //Am I this or am I inside this if (tar.test(n + ', ' + n + ' *') && !hTest) { hTest = n; r = true; } } }); } else { n = this.get(NODE); if (n.contains(tar) || n.compareTo(tar)) { r = true; } } if (r) { if (this._invalids) { Y.each(this._invalids, function(i, n) { if (Y.Lang.isString(n)) { //Am I this or am I inside this if (tar.test(n + ', ' + n + ' *')) { r = false; } } }); } } if (r) { if (hTest) { els = ev.currentTarget.all(hTest); set = false; els.each(function(n, i) { if ((n.contains(tar) || n.compareTo(tar)) && !set) { set = true; this.set('activeHandle', n); } }, this); } else { this.set('activeHandle', this.get(NODE)); } } return r; }, /** * @private * @method _setStartPosition * @description Sets the current position of the Element and calculates the offset * @param {Array} xy The XY coords to set the position to. */ _setStartPosition: function(xy) { this.startXY = xy; this.nodeXY = this.lastXY = this.realXY = this.get(NODE).getXY(); if (this.get('offsetNode')) { this.deltaXY = [(this.startXY[0] - this.nodeXY[0]), (this.startXY[1] - this.nodeXY[1])]; } else { this.deltaXY = [0, 0]; } }, /** * @private * @method _timeoutCheck * @description The method passed to setTimeout to determine if the clickTimeThreshold was met. */ _timeoutCheck: function() { if (!this.get('lock') && !this._dragThreshMet && this._ev_md) { this._fromTimeout = this._dragThreshMet = true; this.start(); this._alignNode([this._ev_md.pageX, this._ev_md.pageY], true); } }, /** * @method removeHandle * @description Remove a Selector added by addHandle * @param {String} str The selector for the handle to be removed. * @return {Self} * @chainable */ removeHandle: function(str) { var key = str; if (str instanceof Y.Node || str instanceof Y.NodeList) { key = str._yuid; } if (this._handles[key]) { delete this._handles[key]; this.fire(EV_REMOVE_HANDLE, { handle: str }); } return this; }, /** * @method addHandle * @description Add a handle to a drag element. Drag only initiates when a mousedown happens on this element. * @param {String} str The selector to test for a valid handle. Must be a child of the element. * @return {Self} * @chainable */ addHandle: function(str) { if (!this._handles) { this._handles = {}; } var key = str; if (str instanceof Y.Node || str instanceof Y.NodeList) { key = str._yuid; } this._handles[key] = str; this.fire(EV_ADD_HANDLE, { handle: str }); return this; }, /** * @method removeInvalid * @description Remove an invalid handle added by addInvalid * @param {String} str The invalid handle to remove from the internal list. * @return {Self} * @chainable */ removeInvalid: function(str) { if (this._invalids[str]) { this._invalids[str] = null; delete this._invalids[str]; this.fire(EV_REMOVE_INVALID, { handle: str }); } return this; }, /** * @method addInvalid * @description Add a selector string to test the handle against. If the test passes the drag operation will not continue. * @param {String} str The selector to test against to determine if this is an invalid drag handle. * @return {Self} * @chainable */ addInvalid: function(str) { if (Y.Lang.isString(str)) { this._invalids[str] = true; this.fire(EV_ADD_INVALID, { handle: str }); } return this; }, /** * @private * @method initializer * @description Internal init handler */ initializer: function(cfg) { this.get(NODE).dd = this; if (!this.get(NODE).get('id')) { var id = Y.stamp(this.get(NODE)); this.get(NODE).set('id', id); } this.actXY = []; this._invalids = Y.clone(this._invalidsDefault, true); this._createEvents(); if (!this.get(DRAG_NODE)) { this.set(DRAG_NODE, this.get(NODE)); } //Fix for #2528096 //Don't prep the DD instance until all plugins are loaded. this.on('initializedChange', Y.bind(this._prep, this)); //Shouldn't have to do this.. this.set('groups', this.get('groups')); }, /** * @private * @method _prep * @description Attach event listners and add classname */ _prep: function() { this._dragThreshMet = false; var node = this.get(NODE); node.addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-draggable'); node.on(Drag.START_EVENT, Y.bind(this._handleMouseDownEvent, this)); node.on('mouseup', Y.bind(this._handleMouseUp, this)); node.on('dragstart', Y.bind(this._fixDragStart, this)); }, /** * @private * @method _unprep * @description Detach event listeners and remove classname */ _unprep: function() { var node = this.get(NODE); node.removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-draggable'); node.detachAll('mouseup'); node.detachAll('dragstart'); node.detachAll(Drag.START_EVENT); this.mouseXY = []; this.deltaXY = [0,0]; this.startXY = []; this.nodeXY = []; this.lastXY = []; this.actXY = []; this.realXY = []; }, /** * @method start * @description Starts the drag operation * @return {Self} * @chainable */ start: function() { if (!this.get('lock') && !this.get(DRAGGING)) { var node = this.get(NODE), ow, oh, xy; this._startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); DDM._start(); node.addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-dragging'); this.fire(EV_START, { pageX: this.nodeXY[0], pageY: this.nodeXY[1], startTime: this._startTime }); node = this.get(DRAG_NODE); xy = this.nodeXY; ow = node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH); oh = node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT); if (this.get('startCentered')) { this._setStartPosition([xy[0] + (ow / 2), xy[1] + (oh / 2)]); } this.region = { '0': xy[0], '1': xy[1], area: 0, top: xy[1], right: xy[0] + ow, bottom: xy[1] + oh, left: xy[0] }; this.set(DRAGGING, true); } return this; }, /** * @method end * @description Ends the drag operation * @return {Self} * @chainable */ end: function() { this._endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (this._clickTimeout) { this._clickTimeout.cancel(); } this._dragThreshMet = this._fromTimeout = false; if (!this.get('lock') && this.get(DRAGGING)) { this.fire(EV_END, { pageX: this.lastXY[0], pageY: this.lastXY[1], startTime: this._startTime, endTime: this._endTime }); } this.get(NODE).removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-dragging'); this.set(DRAGGING, false); this.deltaXY = [0, 0]; return this; }, /** * @private * @method _defEndFn * @description Handler for fixing the selection in IE */ _defEndFn: function(e) { this._fixIEMouseUp(); this._ev_md = null; }, /** * @private * @method _prevEndFn * @description Handler for preventing the drag:end event. It will reset the node back to it's start position */ _prevEndFn: function(e) { this._fixIEMouseUp(); //Bug #1852577 this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY(this.nodeXY); this._ev_md = null; this.region = null; }, /** * @private * @method _align * @description Calculates the offsets and set's the XY that the element will move to. * @param {Array} xy The xy coords to align with. */ _align: function(xy) { this.fire(EV_ALIGN, {pageX: xy[0], pageY: xy[1] }); }, /** * @private * @method _defAlignFn * @description Calculates the offsets and set's the XY that the element will move to. * @param {EventFacade} e The drag:align event. */ _defAlignFn: function(e) { this.actXY = [e.pageX - this.deltaXY[0], e.pageY - this.deltaXY[1]]; }, /** * @private * @method _alignNode * @description This method performs the alignment before the element move. * @param {Array} eXY The XY to move the element to, usually comes from the mousemove DOM event. */ _alignNode: function(eXY) { this._align(eXY); this._moveNode(); }, /** * @private * @method _moveNode * @description This method performs the actual element move. */ _moveNode: function(scroll) { //if (!this.get(DRAGGING)) { // return; //} var diffXY = [], diffXY2 = [], startXY = this.nodeXY, xy = this.actXY; diffXY[0] = (xy[0] - this.lastXY[0]); diffXY[1] = (xy[1] - this.lastXY[1]); diffXY2[0] = (xy[0] - this.nodeXY[0]); diffXY2[1] = (xy[1] - this.nodeXY[1]); this.region = { '0': xy[0], '1': xy[1], area: 0, top: xy[1], right: xy[0] + this.get(DRAG_NODE).get(OFFSET_WIDTH), bottom: xy[1] + this.get(DRAG_NODE).get(OFFSET_HEIGHT), left: xy[0] }; this.fire(EV_DRAG, { pageX: xy[0], pageY: xy[1], scroll: scroll, info: { start: startXY, xy: xy, delta: diffXY, offset: diffXY2 } }); this.lastXY = xy; }, /** * @private * @method _defDragFn * @description Default function for drag:drag. Fired from _moveNode. * @param {EventFacade} ev The drag:drag event */ _defDragFn: function(e) { if (this.get('move')) { if (e.scroll) { e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top); e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left); } this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY([e.pageX, e.pageY]); this.realXY = [e.pageX, e.pageY]; } }, /** * @private * @method _move * @description Fired from DragDropMgr (DDM) on mousemove. * @param {EventFacade} ev The mousemove DOM event */ _move: function(ev) { if (this.get('lock')) { return false; } else { this.mouseXY = [ev.pageX, ev.pageY]; if (!this._dragThreshMet) { var diffX = Math.abs(this.startXY[0] - ev.pageX), diffY = Math.abs(this.startXY[1] - ev.pageY); if (diffX > this.get('clickPixelThresh') || diffY > this.get('clickPixelThresh')) { this._dragThreshMet = true; this.start(); this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]); } } else { if (this._clickTimeout) { this._clickTimeout.cancel(); } this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]); } } }, /** * @method stopDrag * @description Method will forcefully stop a drag operation. For example calling this from inside an ESC keypress handler will stop this drag. * @return {Self} * @chainable */ stopDrag: function() { if (this.get(DRAGGING)) { DDM._end(); } return this; }, /** * @private * @method destructor * @description Lifecycle destructor, unreg the drag from the DDM and remove listeners */ destructor: function() { this._unprep(); if (this.target) { this.target.destroy(); } DDM._unregDrag(this); } }); Y.namespace('DD'); Y.DD.Drag = Drag; }, '3.5.1' ,{skinnable:false, requires:['dd-ddm-base']}); /* YUI 3.5.1 (build 22) Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('dd-plugin', function(Y) { /** * Simple Drag plugin that can be attached to a Node or Widget via the plug method. * @module dd * @submodule dd-plugin */ /** * Simple Drag plugin that can be attached to a Node or Widget via the plug method. * @class Drag * @extends DD.Drag * @constructor * @namespace Plugin */ var Drag = function(config) { if (Y.Widget && config.host instanceof Y.Widget) { config.node = config.host.get('boundingBox'); config.widget = config.host; } else { config.node = config.host; config.widget = false; } Drag.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, EV_START = 'drag:start', EV_DRAG = 'drag:drag', EV_DRAG_END = 'drag:end'; /** * @property NAME * @description dd-plugin * @type {String} */ Drag.NAME = "dd-plugin"; /** * @property NS * @description The Drag instance will be placed on the Node instance under the dd namespace. It can be accessed via Node.dd; * @type {String} */ Drag.NS = "dd"; Y.extend(Drag, Y.DD.Drag, { _widgetHandles: null, /** * refers to a Y.Widget if its the host, otherwise = false. * * @attribute _widget * @private */ _widget: undefined, /** * refers to the [x,y] coordinate where the drag was stopped last * * @attribute _stoppedPosition * @private */ _stoppedPosition: undefined, /** * Returns true if widget uses widgetPosition, otherwise returns false * * @method _usesWidgetPosition * @private */ _usesWidgetPosition: function(widget) { var r = false; if (widget) { r = (widget.hasImpl && widget.hasImpl(Y.WidgetPosition)) ? true : false; } return r; }, /** * Attached to the `drag:start` event, it checks if this plugin needs * to attach or detach listeners for widgets. If `dd-proxy` is plugged * the default widget positioning should be ignored. * @method _checkEvents * @private */ _checkEvents: function() { if (this._widget) { //It's a widget if (this.proxy) { //It's a proxy if (this._widgetHandles.length > 0) { //Remove Listeners this._removeWidgetListeners(); } } else { if (this._widgetHandles.length === 0) { this._attachWidgetListeners(); } } } }, /** * Remove the attached widget listeners * @method _removeWidgetListeners * @private */ _removeWidgetListeners: function() { Y.Array.each(this._widgetHandles, function(handle) { handle.detach(); }); this._widgetHandles = []; }, /** * If this is a Widget, then attach the positioning listeners * @method _attachWidgetListeners * @private */ _attachWidgetListeners: function() { //if this thing is a widget, and it uses widgetposition... if (this._usesWidgetPosition(this._widget)) { //set the x,y on the widget's ATTRS this._widgetHandles.push(this.on(EV_DRAG, this._setWidgetCoords)); //store the new position that the widget ends up on this._widgetHandles.push(this.on(EV_DRAG_END, this._updateStopPosition)); } }, /** * Sets up event listeners on drag events if interacting with a widget * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer: function(config) { this._widgetHandles = []; this._widget = config.widget; this.on(EV_START, this._checkEvents); //Always run, don't check this._attachWidgetListeners(); }, /** * Updates x,y or xy attributes on widget based on where the widget is dragged * * @method initializer * @param {EventFacade} e Event Facade * @private */ _setWidgetCoords: function(e) { //get the last position where the widget was, or get the starting point var nodeXY = this._stoppedPosition || e.target.nodeXY, realXY = e.target.realXY, //amount moved = [(x2 - x1) , (y2 - y1)] movedXY = [realXY[0] - nodeXY[0], realXY[1] - nodeXY[1]]; //if both have changed.. if (movedXY[0] !== 0 && movedXY[1] !== 0) { this._widget.set('xy', realXY); } //if only x is 0, set the Y else if (movedXY[0] === 0) { this._widget.set('y',realXY[1]); } //otherwise, y is 0, so set X else if (movedXY[1] === 0){ this._widget.set('x', realXY[0]); } }, /** * Updates the last position where the widget was stopped. * * @method _updateStopPosition * @param {EventFacade} e Event Facade * @private */ _updateStopPosition: function(e) { this._stoppedPosition = e.target.realXY; } }); Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.Drag = Drag; }, '3.5.1' ,{skinnable:false, optional:['dd-constrain', 'dd-proxy'], requires:['dd-drag']}); /* YUI 3.5.1 (build 22) Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('event-key', function(Y) { /** * Functionality to listen for one or more specific key combinations. * @module event * @submodule event-key */ var ALT = "+alt", CTRL = "+ctrl", META = "+meta", SHIFT = "+shift", trim = Y.Lang.trim, eventDef = { KEY_MAP: { enter : 13, esc : 27, backspace: 8, tab : 9, pageup : 33, pagedown : 34 }, _typeRE: /^(up|down|press):/, _keysRE: /^(?:up|down|press):|\+(alt|ctrl|meta|shift)/g, processArgs: function (args) { var spec = args.splice(3,1)[0], mods = Y.Array.hash(spec.match(/\+(?:alt|ctrl|meta|shift)\b/g) || []), config = { type: this._typeRE.test(spec) ? RegExp.$1 : null, mods: mods, keys: null }, // strip type and modifiers from spec, leaving only keyCodes bits = spec.replace(this._keysRE, ''), chr, uc, lc, i; if (bits) { bits = bits.split(','); config.keys = {}; // FIXME: need to support '65,esc' => keypress, keydown for (i = bits.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { chr = trim(bits[i]); // catch sloppy filters, trailing commas, etc 'a,,' if (!chr) { continue; } // non-numerics are single characters or key names if (+chr == chr) { config.keys[chr] = mods; } else { lc = chr.toLowerCase(); if (this.KEY_MAP[lc]) { config.keys[this.KEY_MAP[lc]] = mods; // FIXME: '65,enter' defaults keydown for both if (!config.type) { config.type = "down"; // safest } } else { // FIXME: Character mapping only works for keypress // events. Otherwise, it uses String.fromCharCode() // from the keyCode, which is wrong. chr = chr.charAt(0); uc = chr.toUpperCase(); if (mods["+shift"]) { chr = uc; } // FIXME: stupid assumption that // the keycode of the lower case == the // charCode of the upper case // a (key:65,char:97), A (key:65,char:65) config.keys[chr.charCodeAt(0)] = (chr === uc) ? // upper case chars get +shift free Y.merge(mods, { "+shift": true }) : mods; } } } } if (!config.type) { config.type = "press"; } return config; }, on: function (node, sub, notifier, filter) { var spec = sub._extra, type = "key" + spec.type, keys = spec.keys, method = (filter) ? "delegate" : "on"; // Note: without specifying any keyCodes, this becomes a // horribly inefficient alias for 'keydown' (et al), but I // can't abort this subscription for a simple // Y.on('keypress', ...); // Please use keyCodes or just subscribe directly to keydown, // keyup, or keypress sub._detach = node[method](type, function (e) { var key = keys ? keys[e.which] : spec.mods; if (key && (!key[ALT] || (key[ALT] && e.altKey)) && (!key[CTRL] || (key[CTRL] && e.ctrlKey)) && (!key[META] || (key[META] && e.metaKey)) && (!key[SHIFT] || (key[SHIFT] && e.shiftKey))) { notifier.fire(e); } }, filter); }, detach: function (node, sub, notifier) { sub._detach.detach(); } }; eventDef.delegate = eventDef.on; eventDef.detachDelegate = eventDef.detach; /** *

Add a key listener. The listener will only be notified if the * keystroke detected meets the supplied specification. The * specification is a string that is defined as:

* *
"down", "up", or "press"
"shift", "ctrl", "alt", or "meta"
"enter", "backspace", "esc", "tab", "pageup", or "pagedown"
* *


* * * @event key * @for YUI * @param type {string} 'key' * @param fn {function} the function to execute * @param id {string|HTMLElement|collection} the element(s) to bind * @param spec {string} the keyCode and modifier specification * @param o optional context object * @param args 0..n additional arguments to provide to the listener. * @return {Event.Handle} the detach handle */ Y.Event.define('key', eventDef, true); }, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['event-synthetic']});