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Preventing Unsafe Abortion, New Research - Literature Review

Special issues in preventing unsafe abortion, a major cause of maternal mortality

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Title of published paper

Date paper reviewed

Up-to-date information on safe abortion

July 2018

Early medical abortion with self-administered low-dose mifepristone in combination with misoprostol

July 2018

Protecting safe abortion in humanitarian settings: overcoming legal and policy barriers

July 2018

New Report Highlights Worldwide Variations in Abortion Incidence and Safety

May 2018

A qualitative study of safe abortion and post-abortion family planning service experiences of women attending private facilities in Kenya

May 2018

Feasibility of assessing the safety and effectiveness of menstrual regulation medications purchased from pharmacies in Bangladesh: a prospective cohort study

March 2018

Medical abortion can be provided safely and effectively by pharmacy workers trained within a harm reduction framework: Nepal

March 2018

Efficacy of medical abortion prior to 6 gestational weeks: a systematic review

March 2018

Provision of menstrual regulation with medication among pharmacies in three municipal districts of Bangladesh: a situation analysis

March 2018

Effectiveness and safety of early medication abortion provided in pharmacies by auxiliary nurse-midwives: A non-inferiority study in Nepal

March 2018

Doing more for less: identifying opportunities to expand public sector access to safe abortion in South Africa through budget impact analysis

February 2018

Uptake of postabortion care services and acceptance of postabortion contraception in Puntland, Somalia

February 2018

“Without this program, women can lose their lives”: migrant women’s experiences with the Safe Abortion Referral Programme in Chiang Mai, Thailand

February 2018

"I am ready and willing to provide the service … though my religion frowns on abortion" - Ghanaian midwives' mixed attitudes to abortion services: a qualitative study

January 2018

Complications with use of misoprostol for abortion in Madagascar: between ease of access and lack of information

January 2018

Provision of medical abortion by mid-level healthcare providers in Kyrgyzstan: testing an intervention to expand safe abortion services to under-served rural and peri-urban areas

December 2017

Building bridges: a case for community health worker provision of misoprostol-only abortion in the first trimester

November 2017

Socio-clinical profile of married women with history of induced abortion: A community-based cross-sectional study in a rural area

November 2017

Implementation considerations when expanding health worker roles to include safe abortion care: a five-country case study synthesis

October 2017

Changes in morbidity and abortion care in Ethiopia after legal reform: national results from 2008 and 2014

September 2017

Perspectives on induced abortion among Palestinian women: religion, culture and access in the occupied Palestinian territories

September 2017

A global database of abortion laws, policies, health standards and guidelines

August 2017

From risk and harm reduction to decriminalizing abortion: the Uruguayan model for women's rights

August 2017

A global database of abortion laws, policies, health standards and guidelines

July 2017

From risk and harm reduction to decriminalizing abortion: the Uruguayan model for women's rights

July 2017

Can community health workers play a greater role in increasing access to medical abortion services? A qualitative study

June 2017

Postabortion contraception

June 2017

Do 72-hour waiting periods and two-visit requirements for abortion affect women's certainty? A prospective cohort study

May 2017

Follow-up after early medical abortion: Comparing clinical assessment with self-assessment in a rural hospital in northern Norway

May 2017

High abortion rate in Martinique (F.W.I.) in spite of a large contraceptive availability. What are the determinants?

May 2017

Integrating postabortion care, menstrual regulation and family planning services in Bangladesh: a pre-post evaluation

April 2017

Misoprostol use for second-trimester termination of pregnancy among women with one or more previous cesarean deliveries

April 2017

Sequential use of Foley catheter with misoprostol for second trimester pregnancy termination in women with and without caesarean scars: a prospective cohort study

April 2017

"She's on her own": a thematic analysis of clinicians' comments on abortion referral

March 2017

Contraceptive counselling for women with multiple unintended pregnancies: the abortion client's perspective

March 2017

Vacuum aspiration for induced abortion could be safely and legally performed by nurses and midwives

Febuary 2017

Two cervical preparation regimens prior to surgical abortion at 10-14 weeks of gestation: A randomized clinical trial

Febuary 2017

Sexual violence-related pregnancies in eastern Congo Kinshasa: a qualitative analysis of access to pregnancy termination services

January 2017

Intrauterine contraception after medical abortion: factors affecting success of early insertion

January 2017

Safety of outpatient surgical abortion for obese patients in the first and second trimesters

January 2017

Simultaneous administration compared with a 24-hour mifepristone-misoprostol interval in second-trimester abortion: a randomized controlled trial

December 2016

Mifepristone and misoprostol compared with misoprostol alone for second-trimester abortion: a randomized controlled trial

December 2016

Understanding abortion-related stigma and incidence of unsafe abortion: experiences from community members in Machakos and Trans Nzoia counties Kenya

November 2016

Improving the quality of postabortion care services in Togo increased uptake of contraception

November 2016

Efficacy, safety, and acceptability of low-dose mifepristone and self-administered misoprostol for ultra-early medical abortion: a randomized controlled trial

November 2016

Stigmatized by association: challenges for abortion service providers in Ghana

October 2016

A review of the literature on women’s preferences and acceptability of abortion methods

September 2016

Mifepristone and misoprostol is safe and effective method in the second-trimester pregnancy termination

September 2016

A study of incomplete abortion following medical method of abortion (MMA )

August 2016

Access to the copper IUD as post-coital contraception: results from a mystery caller study

August 2016

Postpartum contraception and interpregnancy intervals among adolescent mothers accessing public services in California

August 2016

Medical abortion in women with large uterine fibroids: a case series

August 2016

WHO: Health worker roles in providing safe abortion care and post-abortion contraception

July 2016

Medical abortion provided by nurse-midwives or physicians in a high resource setting: a cost-effectiveness analysis

July 2016

Prospective study of home use of mifepristone and misoprostol for medical abortion up to 10 weeks of pregnancy in Kazakhstan

July 2016

Quality of misoprostol products

July 2016

Self-assessment of eligibility for early medical abortion using m-Health to calculate gestational age in Cape Town, South Africa: a feasibility pilot study

May 2016

Women's awareness and knowledge of abortion laws: a systematic review

April 2016

Aspiration abortion with immediate intrauterine device insertion: comparing outcomes of advanced practice clinicians and physicians

April 2016

The individual level cost of pregnancy termination in Zambia: a comparison of safe and unsafe abortion

April 2016

Medical termination of pregnancy by mifepristone and misoprostol – evaluation of success rate, complications and satisfaction of patients

February 2016

Following declining human chorionic gonadotropin values in pregnancies of unknown location: when is it safe to stop?

February 2016

Cervical dilation before first-trimester surgical abortion (<14 weeks' gestation)

February 2016

Use of emergency contraception in Nigeria: An exploration of related factors among sexually active female university students

February 2016

Cost of abortions in Zambia: A comparison of safe abortion and post abortion care

January 2016

Costs of postabortion care in public sector health facilities in Malawi: a cross-sectional survey

January 2016

Effect of a mobile phone-based intervention on post-abortion contraception: a randomized controlled trial in Cambodia

January 2016

Client-pharmacy worker interactions regarding medical abortion in Zambia in 2009 and 2011

December 2015

Effectiveness of misoprostol for induction of first-trimester miscarriages: experience at a single tertiary care centre in Oman

December 2015

Abortion patients' experience and perceptions of waiting periods: survey evidence before Arizona's two-visit 24-hour mandatory waiting period law

December 2015

Health worker roles in providing safe abortion care and post-abortion contraception

November 2015

Evidence supporting broader access to safe legal abortion

November 2015

Provision of intrauterine contraception in association with first trimester induced abortion reduces the need of repeat abortion: first-year results of a randomized controlled trial

October 2015

From unwanted pregnancy to safe abortion: Sharing information about abortion in Asia through animation

October 2015

Efficacy and safety of mifepristone combined with misoprostol for termination of pregnancy between 8 and 16 weeks of gestation

September 2015

Nurse versus physician-provision of early medical abortion in Mexico: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial

September 2015

Knowledge and usage of emergency contraceptives among university students in Ghana

July 2015

Unsafe abortion requiring hospital admission in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea – a descriptive study of women's and health care workers' experiences

July 2015

Aligning mifepristone regulation with evidence: driving policy change using 15 years of excellent safety data

July 2015

Comparison of remote and in-clinic follow-up after methotrexate/misoprostol abortion

July 2015

Outpatient medical abortion is safe and effective through 70 days gestation

July 2015

Abortion: taking the debate seriously

June 2015

Induced second trimester abortion and associated factors in Amhara region referral hospitals

May 2015

Health care providers' perceptions of and attitudes towards induced abortions in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia: a systematic literature review of qualitative and quantitative data

May 2015

A Randomized Trial of Hospital Vs Home Self Administration of Vaginal Misoprostol for Medical Abortion

May 2015

Comparison of treatment of incomplete abortion with misoprostol by physicians and midwives at district level in Uganda: a randomised controlled equivalence trial

April 2015

Availability and distribution of safe abortion services in rural areas: a facility assessment study in Madhya Pradesh, India

April 2015

Medical abortion provided by telemedicine to women in Latin America: Complications and their treatment

April 2015

Immediate postabortion initiation of levonorgestrel implants reduces the incidence of births and abortions at 2-years and beyond

April 2015

The Role of Auxiliary Midwives and Health Volunteers in access to medical abortion in rural Nepal

March 2015

Using a harm reduction lens to examine post-intervention results of medical abortion training among Zambian pharmacists

March 2015

Pharmacy workers in Nepal can provide the correct information about using mifepristone and misoprostol to women seeking medication to induce abortion

February 2015

Medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration for legal abortion protect women’s health and reduce costs to the health system: findings from Colombia

February 2015

The unmet need for safe abortion in Turkey: a role for medical abortion and training of medical students

February 2015

Consumer attitudes towards and satisfaction with emergency contraception counselling: experience from clinic and retail pharmacy settings

January 2015

Experiences, feelings and thoughts of women undergoing second trimester medical termination of pregnancy

January 2015

Decision making on unsafe abortions in Sri Lanka: a case-control study

January 2015

Association between educational level and access to safe abortion in a Brazilian population

January 2015

Unsafe abortion—and complications—too common in Malawi

December 2014

The impact of Ghana's R3M programme on the provision of safe abortions and postabortion care

December 2014

Effects of educational intervention among reproductive age group women on safe abortion

December 2014

The impact of Ghana's R3M programme on the provision of safe abortions and postabortion care

October 2014

Comparison of two doses of oral misoprostol with one, after mifepristone in early abortion

October 2014

A case of toxic shock due to clandestine abortion by misoprostol self-administration

September 2014

Medical abortion for clinical practice

September 2014

Efficacy and acceptability of a mifepristone-misoprostol combined regimen for early induced abortion among women in Mexico City

August 2014

Postabortal and postpartum contraception

August 2014

Women’s perceptions about abortion in their communities: perspectives from western Kenya

July 2014

Abortion services for sex workers in Uganda: successful strategies in an urban clinic

July 2014

Road map to scaling-up: translating operations research study's results into actions for expanding medical abortion services in rural health facilities in Nepal

June 2014

Increasing access to legal termination of pregnancy and postabortion contraception at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia

June 2014

Post-abortion and induced abortion services in two public hospitals in Colombia

June 2014

The effect of postabortion intrauterine device placement on immediate postoperative recovery

May 2014

Comparison of intrauterine device expulsion rates after aspiration abortion or interval insertion

May 2014

Increasing access to legal termination of pregnancy and postabortion contraception at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia

May 2014

Medical students' attitudes and perceptions on abortion: a cross-sectional survey among medical interns in Maharastra, India

March 2014

Profile of women seeking medical termination of pregnancy in South India

March 2014

Access to complex abortion care service and planning improved through a toll-free telephone resource line

March 2014

A prospective trial using mifepristone and vaginal misoprostol in termination of pregnancies up to 63 days of gestation

March 2014

Clinical Practice Handbook for Safe Abortion

March 2014

Effects of abortion legalization in Nepal, 2001–2010

Febuary 2014

Why women are dying from unsafe abortion: narratives of Ghanaian abortion providers

Febuary 2014

Medical abortion versus manual vacuum aspiration in a hilly district hospital of eastern Nepal: a comparative study

Febuary 2014

Medical termination of pregnancy during the second versus the first trimester and its effects on subsequent pregnancy

Febuary 2014

Immediate postabortion access to IUDs, implants and DMPA reduces repeat pregnancy within 1 year in a New York City practice

Febuary 2014

Provision of medical abortion using telemedicine in Brazil

January 2014

Immediate versus delayed initiation of the contraceptive patch after abortion: a randomized trial

January 2014

The lowest dosages of mifepristone and misoprostol to terminate ultra-early pregnancy

November 2013

Efficacy and acceptability of early mifepristone-misoprostol medical abortion in Ukraine: results of two clinical trials

November 2013

Mifepristone followed by misoprostol or oxytocin for second-trimester abortion: a randomized controlled trial

November 2013

A review of evidence for safe abortion care.

November 2013

First-trimester medical abortion with mifepristone 200 mg and misoprostol: a systematic review

September 2013

Medical treatments for incomplete miscarriage

September 2013

Early surgical abortion: safe and effective

September 2013

Safety and effectiveness of termination services performed by doctors versus midlevel providers: a systematic review and analysis

September 2013

An approach to evaluate the efficacy of vaginal misoprostol administered for a rapid management of first trimester spontaneous onset incomplete abortion, in comparison to surgical curettage

September 2013

Abortion services in a high-needs district: a community-based model of care

September 2013

Mifepristone-misoprostol dosing interval and effect on induction abortion times: a systematic review

September 2013

Acceptability and feasibility of mifepristone-misoprostol for menstrual regulation in Bangladesh

September 2013

Comprehensive abortion care: evidence of improvements in hospital-level indicators in Tigray, Ethiopia

September 2013

Administration of the etonogestrel contraceptive implant on the day of mifepristone for medical abortion: a pilot study

September 2013

Pre-abortion counselling from women's point of view

September 2013

Increasing access to safe abortion services through auxiliary nurse midwives trained as skilled birth attendants

July 2013

Nigerian lawyers and reproductive health rights: a survey of knowledge, practices and opinions on law reforms among the bar and bench in north eastern Nigeria

July 2013

A comparative study of cost of care and duration of management for first-trimester abortion with manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) and sharp curettage

July 2013

Delivering post-abortion care through a community-based reproductive health volunteer programme in Pakistan

July 2013